
My Anxiety-Free Kids! Course for Kids and their Parents

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Helping Kids Shrink Anxiety



  • Do you wish you could STOP anxiety, worries, irrational fears, and nervousness in their tracks?
  • Desire tear-free, relaxed tummies, and light-hearted mornings?
  • Long for kids who don’t dig their heels in when they need to go somewhere?
  • Do you want to see your child smile again?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are feeling a bit out of control right now. Keep reading because I’ve got your back. I’m going to tell you how to get your family back in control.

I know just how you feel. I had kids with anxiety, too. They are now doing well, and in the last 20 years, I have helped many more parents and caregivers get their households by helping everyone think of anxiety in a different way – a totally deflated, powerless way. Then, I help kids see and feel the power and control that they do have. I tell parents exactly what to do to encourage and feed this new way of thinking. This begins a shift decreasing their anxiety daily until it is no longer a bother. These are the same ideas I have used in my practice to shrink anxiety for thousands of kids relieving countless families.

Anxiety costs families a lot in time, energy, and money. It turns the whole family upside down, causes conflict, missed work, changed plans, broken toys from anger, missed activities that were paid for, and copayments for health care appointments. But you would do anything to help stop their suffering, so you keep going no matter how discouraging this is.

You might also wonder why this anxiety is happening. That’s a good question. There is so much pressure today and kids are increasingly feeling out of control. They are not as in touch with their own skills and abilities and this has them not trust the world and fear bad things happening. You have to FOCUS THEIR ATTENTION from their fears of taking action to live a happy life. You have to get them their confidence back.

I can show you exactly how! Would you want to gain access to my 20 years of experience counseling kids with anxiety (while raising a few of my own) right now? Would you want to ease your child’s suffering today?

I know you would do anything to stop this runaway wagon. So I’m here for you. Introducing my Anxiety-Free Kids! – online video anxiety recovery program for parents and their kids.

  • Immediate access to over 20 videos, audios, and fun handouts for you and your child.
  •  Find out exactly what to do when you can’t stand to see your child suffer anymore!
  •  Kid-friendly videos featuring my baby girl, Miss Lily Aman!
  •  Hear directly from the horse’s mouth as I interview Anxiety herself!

This program is for both parents & caregivers, and kids! You’ll learn what anxiety is, how it manifests itself in your child’s life, and get practical tools and strategies to help your child feel more empowered, encouraged, and confident. Some of the videos are just for kids, and others are for parents too, and each one explains a different aspect of anxiety or a tool you can use to help your kids overcome it.


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